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DISCOURSE WITH PROF Jeffrey Sachs (@JeffDSachs) January 15, 2012

Posted by seunfakze in EDUCATION.
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I had some interesting conversations with Prof Jeff Sachs. Therein, he explained and apologised for being misunderstood on the fuel subsidy issue in Nigeria. Prof Jerry Sachs is Economist, Professor, Director of the EarthInstitute, Columbia University and Special Advisor to UN Secretary-General. Author of The Price of Civilization.

I thought I should share with you. Enjoy!

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs nigeria is in a different league with Ghana. We can’t even compare. The only similarity they share is the West Africa bond. Nigeria needs to look INWARDS more to attend to its issues.It keeps looking at western formula/derivative to address its issues

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze  Nigeria’s scale (6X Ghana pop) makes things vastly more complex. Nigeria needs functioning federalism; doesn’t have it yet.

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs Nigeria needs to look INWARDS more to attend to its issues.It keeps looking at western formula/derivative to address its issues.

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze Yes, Nigeria needs own solutions but not so different from Asia or West: educ, health, infras, anti-corruption, honesty.

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs and the western powers too aren’t helping. Our illicit capital fund transfer shouldn’t be accepted in Europe too. #cutgovtwaste

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze Agreed. There is massive corruption in both US and Europe. See Shaxson Treasure Islands, or my book, Price of Civilization.

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs there is corruption in US & Europe agreed, but their constitution & judiciary works to a large extent. exist only in papers here.

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze Yes, Nigeria’s institutions are much weaker, which is huge problem in a country of 155 million! Nigeria needs capable local gov.

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs our local govt heads mostly are filled with men who scarcely finished basic secondary education. We have a huge problem

@JeffDSachs@seunfakze I wish the universities could play a more constructive role, perhaps chairing commissions on key issues?

@ohaniydof: @JeffDSachs @seunfakze Yes the Universities should be more involved , but the political class has emasculated them through poor funding!

@JeffDSachs: @ohanyidof @seunfakze I’ve noticed how the politicians barely care about the universities. Sad and costly for Nigeria!

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs when societies, nations flout constitutional laws, there is puns to be anarchy. Ours isn’t only flouted, it is faulty in writing

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze Key is internal but there’s lots of wisdom around the world to help. ALL societies (mine too!) need help from outside and in.

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs that’s why I accept Africa needs to sit down too and solve its own issues.Those who claim to help fight corruption are complicit.

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze Do you think some of the governors are reform minded?

@MarufLawal:  @JeffDSachs @seunfakze the governors are the most useless!

@JeffDSachs: @MarufLawal @seunfakze All of them???

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs do Governors abroad collect what is termed a SECURITY VOTE— an ambiguous some of money that isn’t accounted for? Pray tell

@JeffDSachs@seunfakze Never heard of it. 😦

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs that partly explains the problem. Mainly clueless visionless leadership in Nigeria. Informed, prudent and wise leadership will

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze How about Nigeria’s leading intellectuals helping to: (1) mediate crisis; and (2) recommend governance reforms?

@rotexonline: @seunfakze @JeffDSachs. We’ve seen enough docs that were never implemented. NEEDS 1 and 2, Vision2020 and now SURE.

@JeffDSachs: @rotexonline @seunfakze Yes, I know. The point is not really a document or plan, but a process involving oversight and accountability.

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs if leaders #cutgovtwaste alone, we wouldn’t be I’m this crises. Asides, we aren’t sure if truly subsidy exist. Its a dilemma! what you are witnessing in the revolts are frustrations in govt policies and the distrust of the people in their promises

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze The budget depends excessively on oil. Nigeria also needs taxation, federal and local. Rich should pay on property and income.

@OKShorty1: @JeffDSachs @tolasol @seunfakze A lot of people understand your endorsement of the fuel subsidy removal as a silver bullet.

@JeffDSachs:  @OKShorty1 @tolasol @seunfakze Yikes. The opposite of what I believe. There’s no silver bullet. Need anti-corruption, tax rich, investment

@tolasol: @JeffDSachs If indeed so ‘vastly complex’, why do you keep simplifying them viz Subsidy=Bad? Where is your context?! @OKShorty1 @seunfakze

@JeffDSachs@tolasol @OKShorty1 @seunfakze I’m sorry that I’ve been misinterpreted. It’s hard to be heard accurately in this noisy world!

@gbolly10banks: @JeffDSachs @nkemifejika @tolasol @OKShorty1 @seunfakze mr jeff I think even in a noisy world when the truth is spoken its always loud

@JeffDSachs: @gbolly10banks @nkemifejika @tolasol @OKShorty1 @seunfakze I agree. Still, soundbites are hard and misleading. I’ll try to do better.

@OKShorty1: @JeffDSachs @tolasol @seunfakze The FG is using your comment as an endorsement by the UN. I think you need to clarify a bit more.

@JeffDSachs: @OKShorty1 @tolasol @seunfakze That was already clarified. My brief statement (misleading as it was . . . ) was my own, not UN.

@HaywhyJiggy:  @JeffDSachs @seunfakze I work as a tax advisor & I know that the Inland Revenue Service generates trillions of Naira annually. All wasted!

@JeffDSachs: @HaywhyJiggy @seunfakze Do rich pay taxes in Nigeria? My impression is that tax evasion is rampant. I don’t even see income tax revenues.

@rmajayi: Do you have an aide tweeting for you too, sir? || RT @JeffDSachs@tolasol @OKShorty1@seunfakze I’m sorry that I’ve been misinterpreted.

@JeffDSachs: @rmajayi @tolasol @OKShorty1@seunfakze No, it’s me tweeting. All mistakes are mine!

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs @rmajayi @tolasol @OKShorty1 aceepting your wrong and admitting your flaws are virtues our leaders lack. Thanks for clarifying

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze @rmajayi @tolasol@OKShorty1 I’m learning, and always trying to learn. Thanks for the vital information.

@tolasol: @JeffDSachs @seunfakze @rmajayi@OKShorty1. *Group Hug :D*

@Illesanmibrillow: Obviously, you don’t mean Nigerian Universities! RT @seunfakze: RT @JeffDSachs@seunfakzeI wish the universities … http://m.tmi.me/kELZg

@JeffDSachs:  @Ilesanmibrillow @seunfakze I mean that Nigeria’s universities need a renaissance also with some real development undertakings.

@seunfakze: @JeffDSachs prof, are you honestly surprised most of our leaders don’t have proper formal education? At least majority of Local govt heads

@JeffDSachs: @seunfakze Not surprised, per se, but looking for ways for Nigeria to progress rapidly in view of conditions. Smarter systems are needed.

@AmutaMe: @JeffDSachs u hv access to Nigerian leadership, u’d ve advocated a fix of corruption, let govt earn pple’s trust before subsidy @seunfakze

@JeffDSachs@AmutaMe @seunfakze I of course had no idea about the subsidy removal till it happened. I’m not in regular contact on macro policy.

@palavarjoe: @JeffDSachs @AmutaMe @seunfakze But you know “intimate” details of SURE prog which you’ve pointed me to! I dont blive u#occupynigeria

@JeffDSachs: @palavarjoe @AmutaMe@seunfakze I see plainly the complete absence of trust and reasons for it. Gov needs civil society more than ever.

@AmutaMe: @JeffDSachs @palavarjoe @seunfakze Nigerians becam agrieved wiv ur support 4 d subsidy w\o undstandin d issues we want govt to first address

@JeffDSachs: @AmutaMe @palavarjoe@seunfakze I spoke too fast and in shorthand. I know how complicated situation is and I’ve learned more from you

God Bless Nigeria

Follow on twitter @seunfakze


1. Jen Poet - January 15, 2012

Thanks for sharing! Gbam! »»»» @seunfakze: @JeffDSachs @rmajayi @tolasol @OKShorty1 aceepting your wrong and admitting your flaws are virtues our leaders lack. Thanks for clarifying


2. richard ali - January 15, 2012

Well done!


3. Ngozi Achebe - January 15, 2012

I think the good prof should get off twitter and clarify in a well written article what he meant and how he was misquoted/misintepreted by the Nigerian government. If there was a rebuttal I havent seen it Things like this can derail a good cause by making people entrenched in their positions.


Tunde - January 17, 2012

Well said


4. toba - January 16, 2012

Nobody should even mention the word ‘TAX’ in a country so stupidly corrupt like Nigeria. The government has wasted so much of our natural resources for so long. why the hell will I now pay tax to such a government. when they are done refurbishing my power, my streets, my water, my education, my health, etc, then they can talk to me about tax.


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